Our Terms of Use

Version 1.0 - current status: 13/04/2023

Bavarian Blue River UG (limited liability) is the developer of the “TimeRiver” app. The app is aimed at companies and their employees. It is used to record employees’ working hours and to increase productivity in companies.

After downloading, the app can only be used if the user has an individual user license. The Bavarian Blue River UG (limited liability) concludes a software license agreement with the company in which the user is employed. On the basis of such a software license agreement, the company receives individual user licenses for itself as well as a number of individual licenses it determines. The company makes the user licenses available to the individual users internally. A user license entitles the correspondingly personalized user to participate in a firmly defined time recording in the company according to the functionality of the app.

Contractual relationships exist exclusively between Bavarian Blue River UG (limited liability). There is no contractual liability towards the user. The Bavarian Blue River UG (limited liability) is also not liable in any other way towards the individual user.

Insofar as Bavarian Blue River UG (limited liability) is still liable to the individual user by law, Bavarian Blue River UG (limited liability) is only liable for damage that can be attributed to intent or gross negligence, unless the fault relates to a cardinal duty; This disclaimer of liability does not cover cases in which there is liability under the Product Liability Act or a negligent breach of duty leading to injury to life, limb or health. The liability of Bavarian Blue River UG (limited liability) is limited to compensation for direct damage and does not include indirect consequential damage or loss of profit. It is always limited to the typically foreseeable damage. The liability of Bavarian Blue River UG (limited liability) does not apply if legal claims of the user are based on the fact that the app was modified by the user or the company or used under conditions other than those specified.