
Attention employers!

On average, each employee spends around 30 minutes a day during working hours on their private smartphone - with 25 employees it's around 12.5 hours a day.

What is TimeRiver

TimeRiver is an app connection that can be coupled with any time tracking tool and offers a special rest function.

more efficient
more fairness
more quality
more well–being

TimeRiver can do that

What makes our app so special

Our app can be loaded onto any smartphone and is accessible from anywhere. Thanks to our connection, it is possible for every employee to log into the time recording with a click.

The special thing about our app is the enormous advantage for your employees. As soon as you log in, our connection ensures the necessary peace and quiet to work and keeps your employees away from any distraction from social media or chat apps.



A "silence" function

with a really great impact

During the entire working time, TimeRiver interrupts the smartphone’s Internet connection to various apps and chats, thus ensuring less distraction for your employees.


Do you want to get the best out of your employees?

TimeRiver supports you in this!

TimeRiver is the future

Bring attentive employees
a better performance

In today’s age, smartphones are standards and that’s a good thing. The whole thing only becomes problematic during working hours. But there is a way that employers can also benefit more from their employees’ smartphones.

How about a simple time tracking app that includes a “do not disturb” function as an additional option?

Working hours can be recorded legally with just one click and at the same time a better working atmosphere is ensured.




A practical example

Many employees feel the same way

Sabrina quickly rushes to the office ready for her duties. She looks at her smartphone again and reads a private WhatsApp message. She answers and then she starts. After 10 minutes it vibrates again – it’s a new message. Sabrina is curious and has to see who or what has reported. She grabs her phone and her attention is history. She can no longer concentrate on her work and has to collect herself again.

And the whole thing repeats itself over and over again throughout the day.

But Sabrina is not alone with her problems – many employees are like her. The pressure to be available at all times is a problem for many employees. The consequences are poor concentration and poor performance. But valuable time is also wasted. Time that you as an entrepreneur unnecessarily incurs costs.


Save expenses and relieve employees

How both can work

Many employers are aware of the risk of smartphones in the workplace and take a long look at the situation. Some impose a mobile phone ban and others ignore it because smartphones have just become the norm.

However, both solutions are counterproductive. A smartphone ban is quite harsh and ignoring the situation is even more dramatic.

TimeRiver puts you back in control cost-effectively. With our silence function, your employees can leave their mobile phones at work without a guilty conscience and work more productively at the same time.

If your employees then want to surf the Internet, all they have to do is log out. This also means that the time used does not count as working time and you as an employer save on costs.

Digital funding

Nationwide funding is available for the use of TimeRiver

Small and medium-sized companies are supported with various funding programs in the digitization of their company. Most funding programs are aimed at companies in the trades and commercial sector with up to 250 employees. The size of the company is the basis for assessing the funding rate.

We would be happy to inform you as part of our consultation about funding that may be suitable for you.

more efficiency

Unleash the maximum potential of your employees with minimal effort.

more for the team

Provide a better working atmosphere and reduce employee dissatisfaction.

more quality

More relaxed employees are better able to concentrate on the essentials.

FAQ - Frequently asked questions

and our answers

In most cases the answer is: no. TimeRiver requires an interface to an existing time recording system. Most systems offer this and can therefore be operated together with TimeRiver.

We will be happy to make you an offer. Please contact us

Times can still be recorded as usual if the employee forgets their smartphone. A supplement via the HR department is still possible as usual.

Employees benefit the most from TimeRiver. Finally, the pressure of the smartphone for attention is decreasing again, envy and stress factors due to excessive smartphone use are reduced and the working atmosphere improves enormously. The psychological pressure caused by permanent accessibility is also reduced and health is strengthened in the long term.

We would be happy to set up limited free access for you after consultation. Just talk to us.

From how many employees is it worth using TimeRiver?

Employees will also realize that the constant pressure of the smartphone is not good. Of course, they want to be available in case of an emergency (children, partners, parents, etc.). You can with TimeRiver. But the attention harassment, which is one of the basic concepts of modern smartphones, will be curtailed. As a result, employees can clear their heads again and enjoy their work more. Of course, this does not stand in the way of further company regulations such as additional vacation due to increased efficiency. If the performance increases, the company can also reward this.

TimeRiver is suitable for all companies and company sizes.

TimeRiver freed

Download and install the app, register
and set it up - it's that easy!

TimeRiver: the better and smarter solution

Because smartphone bans in the workplace are counterproductive!

Have you ever thought about banning your employees’ smartphones from the workplace?

If so, how did you intend to implement the ban? And what action do you plan to take in the event of violations? What are your expectations for the reactions of your employees?

Most employers fear scaring employees by banning cellphones from the workplace. And in fact, a direct, tough mobile phone ban has a counterproductive effect on your employees.

With TimeRiver, however, things are different. The smartphone is always at hand and your employees can be reached in an emergency. An explicit mobile phone ban is then no longer necessary.


Ergonomics at the workplace is very important

But what about employee mental health?

When it comes to ergonomics at the workplace, importance is often attached to sufficient lighting, optimum humidity or temperature at the workplace. A big screen, enough space and much more.

But what about smartphones at work? The possible consequences include an increase in stress hormones, exposure to cell phone radiation, problems in the neck area or hand muscles, eye strain and more.

But the psychological pressure of “having to be available all the time” is a clear warning signal for burnout, among other things, and causes frustration and depression.

Shouldn’t the smartphone also be given greater importance in an ergonomic sense?

This is what employees say about TimeRiver

Time tracking app experiences and ratings


With TimeRiver, I feel better and no longer disadvantaged because colleagues used their cell phones more often than I did.

Claudia P.


The app was a change, but now I enjoy the peace and quiet while working and clocking in is super easy.

Markus H.


I manage significantly more tasks and can switch off better during my working hours. I think that’s great.

Sabrina A.

Relaxed work

with the TimeRiver app for your time tracking

An app with many possibilities

The online time tracking app that makes you relax

If you’re already using a time tracking system like X, Y, or Z, there’s no need to switch. TimeRiver can be connected and integrated with other time recording systems.

If you do not yet work with a time tracking tool in your company, we recommend that you use our app with the open source time tracking Kimai. Together they offer a strong and flexible solution for entrepreneurs and employees.