TimeRiver for schools

Relaxed students and teachers,
more relief and fewer conflicts

Smartphones in the classroom – yes or no?

The many mobile phones cannot be banned from schools that easily – they are simply part of the new reality.

TimeRiver opens up new avenues:

Smartphone and lessons can be combined undisturbed.


more efficient

Faster and better learning outcomes due to an internet-free environment.


more concentration

Both – students and teachers can better focus on the lessons.


more control

Teachers can be sure that the smartphone is no longer a nuisance.

The most important thing for young people is the mobile phone!

But what problems does this cause and what can we do with TimeRiver?

Children and young people prefer to text each other even when they are standing directly in front of each other. With TimeRiver we are strengthening the promotion of social contacts for our children. They learn to talk to each other again.

It is not uncommon for smartphones to become addictive and far removed from the real world. A common problem is the lack of a sense of time – especially with children. With TimeRiver, the smartphone becomes uninteresting and the focus is once again on real events.

But without the constant distraction of cell phones, kids can be kids again. They play and talk to each other again. But above all, they also learn that this is also possible without a smartphone.

With TimeRiver we are creating a different perspective in dealing with smartphones. With our app we are promoting the mega trend of being “without a smartphone sometimes”.

What is TimeRiver

An app that ensures more cell phone silence in the classroom

Our app enables students to log into the lesson quickly and easily with a click.

As soon as the students click, our silence function takes effect. That means TimeRiver blocks the internet connection of all logged-in smartphones to the social media apps and chats like WhatsApp, Snapchat, TikTok and more.

As soon as the students log out after the end of the lesson by clicking on “End lesson time”, your internet connection switches on automatically so that all apps are active again and work as usual.

The smartphone in school lessons

Hardly controversial, but what can we do?

The youngest in particular suffer from the high level of media consumption on smartphones. Sensory overload, peer pressure, the feeling of belonging and curiosity about what is happening “out there”.

Cool videos on TikTok, a group chat with buddies and then endless selfies on Snapchat.

One thing is certain – cool videos, wild chats and 1,000 selfies have no place in class.

However, it is unclear how best to tackle the subject of smartphones in the classroom. When it is discussed, it goes in many directions. Is a mobile phone ban really up-to-date in schools? What are the pros and cons of using cell phones in class?

With TimeRiver we offer schools, teachers and students an alternative and a good compromise – everyone benefits.

This is how students benefit from TimeRiver

Students are no longer tempted to use their smartphones for social media and chat apps in class. As a result, they can concentrate better in class and their attention improves.

And that although the smartphone can be left open at the school desk.

As a teacher, you can control who is logged in. This saves nerves, penalties and creates more trust between teachers and students.

In class, the students learn how to keep a healthy distance from cell phones. The smartphone may be in sight, but there is no longer the urge to surf social media. Lesson time is social media free time.

Above all, bans make mobile phones even more attractive and put a strain on the relationship between students and teachers. With TimeRiver, the question of a ban no longer applies.

With the TimeRiver App, all data is protected against unauthorized access, because no private data of students or teachers is accessed. Our app is data protection compliant and was developed in Germany.


A mobile phone ban is no longer necessary!

Right to education - may look different with TimeRiver

In the “2023 Global Education Monitoring Report” UNESCO describes education as a key to the development of new development goals – goals, not least through the goal of technical progress. It recommends adopting technologies that are appropriate, equitable, scalable and sustainable. In principle, she is neither in favor of a cell phone ban in schools nor against it. The right to education is more important.

With TimeRiver, all schools have the opportunity for low-cost, high-impact progress.

Some schools and teachers are already collaborating with their students on personal cell phones. For cost reasons, most schools in Germany do not have the option of providing their students with their own device and instead rely on the students’ private smartphones.

However, the downside to this is the lack of teacher control and the major distraction of all apps. But with TimeRiver there are no more distractions! We have found the right solution for schools.

The digital generation

Smartphone ownership among children and adolescents in Germany

in 2021 by age group

21% of 6 to 9 year olds have a own smartphone
86% of 10 to 12 year olds have a own smartphone
95% of 13 to 15 year olds have a own smartphone
96% of 16 to 18 year olds have a own smartphone

Source:  statista.com

The time on the cell phone

On average, how many hours do children and young people spend on their smartphones per day?

approx. 4.5 hours / day

about 6 hours / day

approx. 9 hours / day

More time online exposes children and young people to more risks

Of the various risks, all children and young people are exposed to in the online world. With TimeRiver, the situation is defused – at least during class time.

Digital Assaults

in the form of hacking, phishing, identity theft, cyberstalking and more.

online addiction

Children are even more prone to digital addiction than adults.


Bullying in a new form - unfortunately, the effects are still too much underestimated.

Online Privacy

Personal information is shared quickly and easily without hesitation.

learning problems

The more frequently online devices are used, the lower the performance.

sensory overload

Children and young people are overwhelmed by too many impressions, which triggers stress.

Quiz time

What really distracts students?

Is it the smartphones or the many installed social media and chat apps?


Also a relief for teachers

TimeRiver not only relieves the students!
less frustration and stress

As a teacher, you no longer have to constantly admonish and get angry inside. With TimeRiver, frustration, time pressure and stress are history.

clear boundaries and rules

TimeRiver automatically sets a clear line between class time and private free time on the smartphone.

more time for the essentials

Lessons can be carried out in a relaxed manner without the constant ringing or vibrating of mobile phones.

stronger bond

Constant conflicts between teachers and students because of the smartphone are eliminated. This strengthens the bond between the two sides.

For the future of youth

With TimeRiver, the productivity of the entire school class is increased. A counterproductive smartphone ban is not necessary.

More control for teachers

The dashboard for teachers

With the dashboard, teachers can keep track of the attendance of all students and add various comments.

It is also possible for teachers to document their own working hours, manage their calendar and plan various tasks.

The school management has the option of creating different users with different roles.

Recommend our solution

TimeRiver is exactly what your school urgently needs to finally be able to breathe easy?

TimeRiver vs. MDM solutions

What is the difference?

MDM solutions focus primarily on managing and monitoring smartphones. The user does not retain full control of their own device. Such solutions are not accepted by schoolchildren in particular, as they rightly feel that they are being monitored and losing control.

Unlike mobile device management solutions, we at TimeRiver do not access the personal data of the smartphone. Also, we cannot remotely manage the devices or receive any other information.

With TimeRiver we offer an app that only blocks the internet connection to social media or chat apps as soon as you log in.

With TimeRiver, all data simply stays private. And students retain full control of their own devices.

more efficiency
more fairness
more quality
more well–being

FAQ - Frequently asked questions

and our answers

If a student forgets their smartphone or doesn’t have one, that’s not a problem. In this case, the teacher can assign a comment to the student.

We would be happy to set up limited free access for you after consultation. Just talk to us.

No. TimeRiver does not access students’ personal information. Likewise, the user behavior of the students is not logged.

We would be happy to discuss the possibilities of funding with you personally.

TimeRiver has a very simple structure and is very easy to use. Any school that is currently struggling with the problem of “smartphones in the classroom” can use TimeRiver. Depending on the type, also elementary schools.